Sophie’s Story

Sophie has proven to be an absolute sweetheart.  She came into Suncoast Basset Rescue with a cyst that’s taking up a great deal of her spine.  The cyst leaves her weak and wobbly in her hind end and delays messages to her brain when she has to potty.  With all that, she is one the happiest, playful, loving houndies we’ve ever met!  Nothing keeps her from enjoying life with hers foster brothers and sisters.  She loves toys, chew bones and is happy to share them.  Sophie is on medications for pain for the rest of her life.  She’s a trooper.  She has found her forever foster home to be a safe, loving environment where she gets all the attention and love she needs.  With her medical issues, it’s best for her to remain in SBR’s care.  Please help us provide the medical care that she needs and donate each month as a Forever Foster Guardian.